Webinar: updates on the posting of workers – COVID-19

Webinar of Studio A&P about updated on posting workers conditions.

Table of Contents

Based in Italy and active Worldwide

ISO 9001 Certified

When: thursday, November 5, 2020 / 9.30 – 12.00 a.m.

Dr. Alessandro Arletti will be the speaker of the Webinar organized by FEDERMACCHINE in collaboration with Studio Arletti&Partners entitled: “Updates on the posting of workers abroad – Covid-19” .


The topics dealt with will concern:

– Covid-19 Foreign Standards – Compliance, Testing and Quarantine in force in the main EU and non-EU countries.
– Covid-19 Italy: What obligations upon return of the worker from abroad
– Updated transposition in Italy and in other EU countries of Directive 2018/957 which regulates travel within the EU with reference to the conditions to be applied to the worker


How to participate:

The webinar, with free participation, is reserved for companies that are members of FEDERMACCHINE associations. The webinar can be accessed remotely from your desk, but with the possibility of interaction with the speakers through questions and requests for clarification.
The meeting will be held on Zoom.

For more information see the poster.
Please, feel free to contact A&P for further information.

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